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Discussion Questions
Don't Stop Now--Lesson 4--You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet--Haggai 2:20-23
Discussion Questions: 1. What has God promised us concerning the security of our future? 2. Why is it difficult to believe the promises...
Don't Stop Now--Lesson 3--Holy Is as Holy Does--Haggai 2:10-19
Discussion Questions: 1. What kinds of things do you do daily in order to maintain holiness in your daily choices and living? 2. What...
Don't Stop Now!--Lesson 2--Our Mission Calls for Forward Thinking
Discussion Questions: 1. How would you define your mission and what God is calling you to build in your life? 2. What does “forward...
Don't Stop Now - Lesson 1 - Stirring Up A Fire
Discussion Questions: In what ways have you told yourself that you will make the ways of the LORD more of a priority when things settle...
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