Discussion Questions:
1. What kinds of things have happened this past week that give you reason to worship and celebrate God? What kinds of things have tried to dissuade you from focusing upon these things?
2. How have you seen community (church family) be a place like what Mary probably faced in Nazareth? How have you seen community provide reception and safety like what Mary received from her visit to Elizabeth?
3. When you are dealing with times of fear, discouragement, or other painful things, how have words of blessing, wonder, affirmation, joy, and recognition helped you cope better? What kinds of things help you to grow in your abilities to provide these things for others?
4. Mary reflects upon the long history of God’s promise keeping and provision to bring about the plans He has for the good of His people to have a “I knew You were coming” moment. How does her reflection of these things stir your soul and help you to have your own “I knew You were coming” moment even in dire circumstances?
5. How sad is it that Zechariah couldn’t participate in the rejoicing and celebrating when Mary showed up at his door? How encouraging is it that God continued to write chapters in his life that opened the door for his own praise, worship and celebration? How does this help you to see how God has more planned for your own life?