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Celebrate!--Lesson 7--Setting the Best Priorities--Luke 2:39-52

Discussion Questions:

1.  How do you determine your priorities for the day or week?  Who is part of your process for determining this?  Does anything need to change?

2.  Luke provides some insight into things Jesus “must do” during His time on the earth (Luke 2:49 & 24:25-26).  How does seeing the things Jesus “must do” affect your own priorities? 

3.  What struggles have you had thinking you need to get Jesus to follow you and bless your agenda instead of following Him and accepting His agenda? 

4.  Luke emphasizes many times how Joseph & Mary fulfilled the will of God, yet they lost sight of Jesus and didn’t understand His agenda.  How is this comforting and/or disturbing to you in your own faith walk?  What kinds of things help you keep Jesus and His agenda in your sights?

5.  How has seeking Jesus led you back to the Father?  How is this a great introduction to Luke’s version of the “Good News”?

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