Discussion Questions:
1. Why does mankind struggle to trust God and stay close to Him? Why does God keep seeking to have mankind return to Him?
2. Do you agree that sin makes a person less than human? Why, or why not? How does Jesus provide more than salvation (redemption & atonement) for this problem?
3. How do you know what to build in your life to be fit for the Kingdom of God? What template have you been taught to use? Why is Jesus a better template than the Bible? How did Jesus’ time on earth reveal what the image of God should look like in our lives?
4. How have you seen people adopt ways of the world for building their life that are like swinging a hammer at a nail with a blindfold on? Why do we fall so often for the world’s ways of doing things? How are we like the starving pelicans?
5. Why does God seem different in the Old Testament versus the New Testament? What is the difference in knowing God based upon Law and knowing Him based upon grace & truth? Was there any grace & truth in the Law? Why is it different in Jesus?
6. If you are being completely honest and vulnerable, what percentage of your life would you say is built upon what Jesus teaches versus the ways of the world? Why this percent?
7. What does it mean that Jesus loves us “to the end”? How do you feel about God stooping to serve you? If Jesus is your template (and He is), what does this example say about the way you should stoop to serve others, and love them “to the end”? What responsibilities does this place upon us?
8. Jesus models dealing with temptation, and He models living by faith. What are some other things He has modeled for you that help you build a life worthy of the Kingdom of God? How is your life better because of the template He has provided?