Discussion Questions:
1. What kind of dreams do you have for your life and/or for the church? Is it arrogant to dream
in this way? What role should God play in our dreaming?
2. Why would God take Abram away from his family and other resources of stability to
accomplish his dreams? Is there a lesson for us to learn from this?
3. How many of your dreams are waiting for you to make the first step? Which do we fear
more: failure, or looking foolish and being misunderstood? Why? How have you seen God
work through failure, looking foolish and being misunderstood?
4. Like the fate of the Kodak company, is there any threat of spiritual bankruptcy if we miss
the moment of God’s call and fail to act in courage and trust? How do you discern what
God wants for your life?
5. How is worship a sign of courage and trust in God? How is worship a part of your daily
response to God? What does your worship look like on days other than Sunday?